Frequently Asked Questions


  • I get "Error connecting". What should I do?

    Most common solutions to this error are:

    • Check that you clicked on “Start Serving” on the plug-in.
    • Check that you are connected to the same WiFi network as your computer.
    • Add a rule to your firewall/antivirus, allowing connections from/to your 3D software.
    • Your computer may have changed it’s local IP address, please scan the QR code again or add the new IP address using “+ Manual IP address” button.
    • You may have a weak WiFi signal, please try again locating your device and/or computer closer to the WiFi source.
    • If you are using the “+ Manual IP address” button, you may have inserted a wrong IP address and/or port.

    If none of the above worked, you may have some kind of connectivity problem with your router and/or computer.

  • When I insert my IP address manually, it keeps asking for an address and never connects. Why?

    When this happens, please, make sure that you are writing a valid IPv4 address, followed by a colon “:” and a valid port number.


  • Why is the viewport image and/or motion stuttering/freezing regularly?

    There are multiple factors that can lead to stuttering. Possible solutions are:

    • First of all make sure you have a good WiFi signal. The closer you are to the router (both your device and the computer) the better.
    • It’s usually better to use 5G WiFi networks, as there are less devices around using them and creating interferences.
    • It’s usually better if you are the only one using the WiFi network, including all kind of devices like smart bulbs, thermostats and other “smart-things”.
    • You can also try changing the channel of your WiFi network on your router.
    • Try reducing “MAX FPS” settings, reducing the streaming MBits/s setting or disabling the viewport streaming to make a lower usage of the network.
    • If you don’t mind having your device connected through USB (e.g. using an extension cable) there is a way to share your device’s connection/internet through USB, your device will assign an IP address to your computer so you can use that address in the connection screen, entering it using “+ Manual IP address” button. You will need to connect your device to iTunes before sharing the connection for the first time if you are on a Windows PC.
    • Finally, if your scene is too heavy, it may introduce some stuttering. Try following the steps in the next question “Playback is slow…”.
  • Playback is slow. How can I get more FPS?

    There is not much we can do to make your scene lighter or your computer faster, but you can try:

    • Hiding unnecessary objects
    • Loading animated alembics as GPU cache.
    • Disabling or reducing options like lights, shadows, antialiasing, ambient occlusion… in viewport settings.
  • The tracking quality is poor, it "jumps" too many times. How can I solve this?

    Make sure you use VirtuCamera in a well illuminated place, also try to avoid pointing the camera to big solid surfaces or using empty rooms with no features to track. Finally, make sure you don’t cover the camera lens of your device.

    VirtuCamera uses ARKit to recreate camera motion. It takes ARKit some time to learn the environment, if you dedicate a minute to walk around the place after you tap the “link” button, you will probably get better results.

  • The tracking is too jittery, how can I smooth it out?

    VirtuCamera captures every minimal shake of your hands, also the tracking may be a bit jittery sometimes. If you want to smooth the result, you can use the smoothing slider on the app.

    If you want it even smoother, you can simplify the animation curves after recording. In Maya, open the Graph Editor, select all the channels you want to smooth out, go to the “Curves” menu and click on “Simplify Curve” (with options). There you can play with the time and value tolerances, to make it totally smooth or maintain some detail.

  • The camera position seems fixed / static.

    You probably need to adjust the scale units for your scene, please see Setting up the scale for more details.


  • Will you release a plug-in for <insert your 3D software here>?

    We would like to cover as much 3D platforms as possible, but our resources are limited. As soon as we can, we will start developing new plug-ins.

    We also know there are great developers out there willing to collaborate in open source projects. We know that our code is a little mess right now, but our next step is to refactor all the code and make it friendly for developers to adapt it to new 3D softwares more easily.

    To help us decide the next 3D platform, send us an email with your preferred 3D software at

  • What versions of Maya/Blender do you support?

    Right now we have successfully tested the plug-in in Maya 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. If you have an older version of Maya, you can try if it works (it probably does), but we won’t give support on versions older than 2017.

    For Blender, we tested the add-on on versions 2.83, 2.90, 2.91 and 2.92. We anticipate that version 2.93 won’t be compatible initially, as it uses a new Python version, but we are working to make it compatible.

  • Which devices are compatible with VirtuCamera?
    • iPhone 6s / 6s Plus or newer
    • iPad 2017 or newer
    • iPad Pro (any version)

    Basically any Apple device that is ARKit capable, you can check the full list at the end of this page:

    * You will need iOS 12.1 or higher to run VirtuCamera


  • Can I use VirtuCamera to replace video tracking/match moving?

    We haven’t tested this aspect yet, but we anticipate that it probably won’t be accurate enough for a quality 3D integration. You may want to try it out and let us know if it works for you. It may be suitable for fast tests or other use-cases.

If you have questions not answered in the FAQ, please contact us: